
nd plugin configuration

Build version: 0.30.0 - v0.30.0


eventd-nd.conf — nd plugin configuration


Configuration for the nd plugin.


The nd plugins provides on-screen notifications (aka “bubbles”). It depends on backends to display them.

Global sections

Section [NotificationWayland]

The Wayland backend configuration


A theme name

The backend will use this theme, if available, to search for cursors.


A list of cursor names

The backend will use the first available cursor of this list as the cursor when hovering a bubble.

Section [NotificationXcb]

The XCB backend configuration


A list of output names

The backend will try to find the first available output in the list. If none is found, it will fallback to the primary output, then to use the full screen.


An enumeration: Mouse, Keyboard, None

The backend will monitor the (mouse or keyboard) focused output and put bubbles on it.

This setting overrides Outputs=.

Section [NotificationBindings]

This section is about bubble bindings.

Only mouse bindings are relevant here, as there is no keyboard focus on bubbles.

This section is used as a whole, which means the section presence will reset all bindings and only the ones explicitely set will be usable.

Dismiss= (defaults to MouseLeft)

A binding string

This will dismiss the bubble being clicked on.

DismissQueue= (defaults to MouseRight)

A binding string

This will dismiss the bubble being clicked on and all the visible ones in the same queue.

Section [Queue name]

These sections control the possible bubble queues. There is always at least the "default" queue available. The z-ordering is entirely undefined and it is left to the user to achieve a usable configuration.

Contents keys

Anchor= (defaults to top-right)

An enumeration: top-left, top, top-right, bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right

The anchor of this queue.

Limit= (defaults to 1)

An integer

Maximum number of bubbles in this queue at the same time.

Margin= (defaults to 13)

A list of integers (one or two)

Margin between bubble and anchor.

If two values are provided, the first is used as horizontal margin, and the second as vertical margin.

Spacing= (defaults to 13)

An integer

Spacing between each bubble.

OldestAtAnchor= (defaults to false)

A boolean

If true, the oldest of visible bubbles will be at the anchor.

The default is to put the newest displayed bubble at anchor.

MoreIndicator= (defaults to false)

A boolean

If true, an extra bubble will be displayed if there are notifications waiting for display and the limit is reached.

Action sections

Section [Notification]


A boolean

If true, the event will not have its bubble.

Other settings are inherited from the global configuration. You may override them on an action basis.

Shared sections

These sections are valid in both global and action configurations.

Section [Notification]

Contents keys

Text= (defaults to "<b>${title}</b>${message/^/\n}")

A localised format string

The notification's title. It will be highlighted compared to the message.

Image= (defaults to "image")

A file URI

The notification's image. Generally event-specific.

Icon= (defaults to "icon")

A file URI

The notification's icon. Generally application-specific or category-specific.

Progress= (defaults to "progress-value")

A data name

The data to use to create a progress bar. The data must be a double.

Style keys

Following keys define the style of the bubble's contents.

Section [NotificationBubble]

Queue= (defaults to "default")

A queue name

See the section called “Section [Queue name] for more details.

Timeout= (defaults to 3000, 0 to disable)

A time in milliseconds

Time for which the bubble will appear on screen.

MinWidth= (defaults to 200), MaxWidth= (defaults to -1, unlimited)

Two integers, -1 is unlimited

These two keys control the bubble width.

The maximum width overrides the minimum.

These include padding.

Padding= (defaults to 10)

An integer

Padding between bubble's contents and border.

Radius= (defaults to 10)

An integer

Radius of bubble's corners.

Colour= (defaults to "#262626")

A colour string

Colour of bubble's background.

Border= (defaults to 0)

An integer

Width of bubble's borders.

BorderColour= (defaults to "#191919")

A colour string

Colour of bubble's borders.

BorderBlur= (defaults to 2;2;)

A list of integers

Can be one, two or three values.

First value is the blur size of the border, to achieve a shadow effect.

Second and third values are horizontal and vertical offsets of the shadow effect.

If only two values are provided, the second one is used as the third one too.

If the blur size is 0, the offset is ignored.

Section [NotificationText]

These are global parameters for the whole text. You can use Pango Markup to have finer-grained control on your text.

Font= (defaults to "Linux Libertine O 9")

A Pango font description string

Fonts for the bubble's text.

Alignment= (defaults to Left)

An enumeration: Left, Right, Center

Text horizontal aligment.

VerticalAlignment= (defaults to Top)

An enumeration: Top, Bottom, Center

Text vertical aligment.

Ellipsize= (defaults to None)

An enumeration: None, Start, Middle, End

What kind of ellipsization to apply to text.

MaxLines= (defaults to 10)

An integer, 3 minimum, -1 is unlimited

The maximum number of lines the text should show (including the ellipsis).

nd will do its best to display at most this number of line, but it may fail to detect the actual number of drawn lines.

MaxWidth= (defaults to -1, unlimited)

An integer, -1 is unlimited

The maximum width the text should take.

If the bubble MinWidth= is set and there is remaining space, the text may be larger than this value.

Colour= (defaults to "#262626")

A colour string

Colour of bubble's text.

Section [NotificationImage]

Width= (defaults to 50), Height= (defaults to 50)

Two integers, -1 is unlimited

These two keys control the image size.

The aspect ratio is always preserved and the image will always fit both sizes.

FixedSize= (defaults to false)

A boolean

If true, the image will be upscaled if too small.

Margin= (defaults to 10)

An integer

Margin between bubble's image and text.

Anchor= (defaults to Top)

An enumeration: Top, Bottom, Center

Vertical image's aligment.

Theme= (defaults to none)

A theme name

Icon theme to use for lookup.

Section [NotificationIcon]

Placement= (defaults to Background)

An enumeration: Background, Overlay, Foreground

Bubble's icon can be placed at several places.


The icon is placed in the bubble's background

The icon is rendered as fading behind the text.


The icon is placed over the bubble image

The icon is rendered over the image, in the bottom right corner, with a quarter of it outside.


The icon is placed on the opposite side of the bubble image

Width= (defaults to 25), Height= (defaults to 25)

Two integers, -1 is unlimited

These two keys control the icon size.

The aspect ratio is always preserved and the icon will always fit both sizes.

FixedSize= (defaults to false)

A boolean

If true, the icon will be upscaled if too small.

FadeWidth= (defaults to 75)

A percentage as an integer

Determines the fading width when the icon is placed in background.

Used only if placement is Background.

Anchor= (defaults to Center)

An enumeration: Top, Bottom, Center

Vertical icon's aligment.

Used only if placement is Background or Foreground.

Margin= (defaults to 10)

An integer

Margin between bubble's icon and text.

Used only if placement is Foreground.

Theme= (defaults to none)

A theme name

Icon theme to use for lookup.

Section [NotificationProgress]

Placement= (defaults to bar)

An enumeration: Bar, Image Bottom-to-Top, Image Top-to-Bottom, Image Left-to-Right, Image Right-to-Left, Image Circular

Reversed= (defaults to false)

A boolean

When true, use 1.0 - value as value.

Colour= (defaults to "#262626")

A colour string

Colour of bubble's text.

See Also

eventd core man pages

eventd daemon command-line options


eventdctl (control tool) command-line options


eventd configuration

Contains information about all the event configuration

Plugins distributed with eventd will use the same scheme: eventd-plugin-name for their additional eventd command-line options, eventdctl-plugin-name for their additional eventdctl command-line options, eventd-plugin-name.conf for their configuration,

Plugins man pages