libnkutils Format string format

Format string format — specification of an NkFormatString

Format strings

A format string can contain references to a data in a shell-like format: ${reference-name}. Each reference is resolved to a data that is substitued to the reference at the corresponding place in the string. The reference-name can be composed of alphabetic characters, dashes ('-') and underscores ('_').

You can use an array-like syntax for some values: ${reference-name[key]} (square brackets [] are literals here). The key can be a name or a number depending on the data pointed by reference-name. If key starts with a @, then the remaining is used as a join value. You can use fallback values, substitute values or regexes on array members. In case of joined values, such operations are done on the joined values as a whole.

You can use a fallback value if the data resolves to nothing or false. The syntax is: ${reference-name:-fallback-value}.

You can use a substitute value if (and only if) the data resolves to something or true. The syntax is: ${reference-name:+substitute-value}.

You can use a substitute value if (and only if) the data resolves to nothing or false. The syntax is: ${reference-name:!substitute-value}.

You can use a switch substitute if the data resolves to a boolean. The syntax is: ${reference-name:{separator value-if-false separator value-if-true}} (spaces added for readability only, they are not ignored when parsed).

You can use a range substitute if the data resolves to a number. The syntax is: ${reference-name:[separatorrange-startseparatorrange-end[separatorsubstitute-value]]} (spaces added for readability only, they are not ignored when parsed, the external square brackets [] are literals here).

You can use a prettify flag to make a big value more readable. The syntax is: ${reference-name(flag[addition])}. The following flags are supported:


Work on a number. It will display the value as a float, allowing for extra formatting, as with printf:

Optionally, you can add a width (optionally with zero-padding): [0]width

Optionally, you can add a precision: .presicion

p, b

Work on a number. They will reduce the number to a minimum, adding the corresponding SI prefix (or binary prefix for b).

You can use the same additions as flag f


Work on a number. The number will be used as a UNIX timestamp.

You can have an strftime-like format string as addition.


Work on a number. The number will be used as seconds.

You can have a nested format string as addition, with the following data available: %{weeks}, %{days}, %{hours}, %{minutes}, %{seconds}, %{milliseconds}, %{microseconds}, %{nanoseconds}.

The default format is %{weeks:+%{weeks} week%{weeks:[;2;2;;s]} }%{days:+%{days} day%{days:[;2;2;;s]} }%{hours:+%{hours} hour%{hours:[;2;2;;s]} }%{minutes:+%{minutes} minute%{minutes:[;2;2;;s]} }%{seconds:-0} second%{seconds:[;2;2;;s]}.

You can replace parts of the data using the regex mechanism. The syntax is: ${reference-name/regex/replacement}. The replacement part is optional (including the preceding forward slash). If it is omitted, matching parts of the data will simply be removed. You can repeat the /regex/replacement part to replace as many patterns as you like. Each pattern is matched against the previous replacement so be careful in your order.

Examples (with data and resolved string):

"${name} is eating a ${fruit}."

name is "Bob" and fruit is "pear".

Resolves to: Bob is eating a pear.

"${name} is eating a ${fruit:-banana}."

name is "Bob" and fruit is "pear".

Resolves to: Bob is eating a pear.

"${name} is eating a ${fruit:-banana}."

name is "Bob" and fruit is nothing.

Resolves to: Bob is eating a banana.

"${name} is eating a ${fruit}${addition:+ cooked with }${addition}."

name is "Bob", fruit is "pear" and addition is "chocolate".

Resolves to: Bob is eating a pear cooked with chocolate.

"${name} is eating a ${fruit}${addition:+ cooked with }${addition}."

name is "Bob", fruit is "pear"and addition is nothing.

Resolves to: Bob is eating a pear.

"${name} is eating a ${addition:! raw }${fruit}."

name is "Bob", fruit is "pear" and addition is "chocolate".

Resolves to: Bob is eating a pear.

"${name} is eating a ${addition:! raw }${fruit}."

name is "Bob", fruit is "pear"and addition is nothing.

Resolves to: Bob is eating a raw pear.

"${mode} mode is ${active:{;active;inactive}}."

mode is "Random" and active is true.

Resolves to: Random mode is active.

"${name} is eating a ${note:[;1;5;very bad;bad;good;very good]} ${fruit}."

name is "Bob", fruit is "apple"and note is 5.

Resolves to: Bob is eating a very good apple.

"Battery power: ${power(f03.1)}%."

power is 80.1.

Resolves to: Battery power: 080.1%.

"Disk space: ${space(b)}B."

space is 1048576.

Resolves to: Disk space: 1MiB.


time is 1519910048.

Resolves to: Thu Mar 1 14:14:08 2018

"${time(t%F %T)}"

time is 1519910048.

Resolves to: 2018-03-01 14:14:08


buildtime is 905.

Resolves to: 15 minutes 5 seconds

"${name} is eating a ${fruit}${addition/^/ cooked with }."

name is "Bob", fruit is "pear" and addition is "chocolate".

Resolves to: Bob is eating a pear cooked with chocolate.

"${name} is eating a ${fruit}${addition/^/ cooked with }."

name is "Bob", fruit is "pear"and addition is nothing.

Resolves to: Bob is eating a pear.

"${name} is eating a ${fruit}${addition/^/ cooked with /$/ from Switzerland}."

name is "Bob", fruit is "pear" and addition is "chocolate".

Resolves to: Bob is eating a pear cooked with chocolate from Switzerland.